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Many apologies for the slowness lately guys.  A series of medical and emotional probs been keeping me rather incapable lately and though things feel like they are picking up again it has been a long time since I've have anything for you guys and I wanna put something up I think you will enjoy X3

So here be a set of renders that were made long ago that I either never got around to finishing the scenes for or just didn't upload for one reason or another.  They are all rendered in the older engine so the lighting isn't as realistic as my current stuff but I still like them hehe.  I do not intend to post them elsewhere so this will be just for you guys X3

Anyhoo, doing my best to get back in gear but in the mean time, enjoy! Thank you all so much for your support. ^u^

~Squeamishness Warning~
Some pieces contain: Breathplay, Hanging, Snuff



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