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New Character: Aya

My penguin girl, Aya, will be the 4th character in the Patreon
v0.9 Demo! She's been one of my favorite OCs for many years now, and finally making her way into the game~ Look forward to removing her outfit and Pengi plushie!

Her Pengi counts as her "Hat" outfit slot, and her pose will change based on when you defeat it. She'll be hugging her Pengi while her "hat" is undefeated, and leaning back when he's taken-out. I also have some really cute ideas for her idle animations (it involves her snuggling Pengi ❤🐧) 
More info on that as we get closer to the update release in about 2 weeks!

I've been having issues with Unity unfortunately and sent in a ticket to help get a fix. I have no heard back from them yet, but hopefully I'll have the issue resolved so I can import her rig into the game by my birthday (Oct 13)!

New Card: Unlucky Kick

This card will be the foil to v0.8's "Lucky Punch". When playing Unlucky Kick, you deal bonus damage for flipping a Tails coin flip. A great card to keep when you don't have the Lucky status active. It may go through some changes during testing, so this effect may not be final.

The next card preview will be for "Gasoline"~

New Card Art

All cards got updated with a new flare~ Hopefully this high-contrast look will help you organize your hand a bit better!

New Battle Music

I've been working with ShadyCorner and composer Chris Jay to update the battle theme for v0.9! It has a more modern feel than the 8-bit theme present in the Arc Demo and v0.8. I'm excited to share it with you once the new version releases~!

I'll be updating everyone again next week with another v0.9 Preview!




Cute and epic