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Hey again! Big visual update for SBAC (card art, new opponents and animations). Next update I'll be adding a lot more cards to strategize around~

v0.4 Changes

  • New Opponent: Magician
  • New Card Icons
  • Attack & Heal Animations
  • Win Conditions
  • Bug Fixes (Deck builder, attacks, win conditions)

If you see some bugs or have some suggestions for future updates, please comment below or chat in the Discord server in the #patreon-previews section!

Upcoming features:

  • Magical Attack Bonuses (Each magical attack will have a unique status effect)
  • New Helper Cards (Search Deck for Energy, Require opponent to flip 2 coins instead of 1, Disable outfit abilities, Remove status effects, Defend against 10 damage)
  • New Attack Cards (Damage based on coin flips, AoE attacks, and conditional damage [ex: how many cards in discard pile])
  • Dialogue/Story
  • Victory Screens (Unique to each opponent)
  • New Opponents (Surfer and Syd)



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