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Heyo all! If you're familiar with my SFW account, you may remember a game I was working on called "Mysolia". I'm back working on it with an updated feel and a NSFW spin~ I've attached a few of the character designs I'm currently working on.

My new plan for "Mysolia" will be an animated comic (since I'm already working on a few games on other teams). I may eventually pitch Mysolia as a game, but for now I want it to be different from my normal work that I've been doing. I'll be able to share more of that with you very soon ;)

My current plan for this animated comic will be 3~5 pages per "chapter", or rather a group of pages centered on a single character. Each character will change each "chapter", and if it's only a few pages I should be able to get them out relatively quickly (...based on how much progress I'm making in my other projects...)

"Mysolia" will be a fantasy action animated comic centered on a Spirit War that's ongoing between the 4 regions of the world. I've been growing this project for several years on and off, and the world has become such a personal project for me. I've never found the right way to share it until now (either lack of freedom from keeping it SFW, or confusion on how to convert this story to a game format).

I'll begin working on a "pilot" chapter to get a feel for how the format and quality will work out and be presented, and chapters will all be available early on Patreon!

Thanks for reading and please leave comments so I can reply to them~<3



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