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Heyo! I’m not good with these so I don’t know where to start hehe but I wanted to say thank you for everyone who has been here the past year, and before of course, despite my slight😅 absence online. Last April a few days after my birthday my aunt passed away. It was unexpected and came when some family issues had been going on. I had realized I had already lost 4 of my aunts and uncles on my mom’s side and noticed my mom and I hadn’t spent much time the past few years due to issues. The past year I’ve gotten to heal my relationship with her and make a lot of memories. I also realized that while she’s always young at heart, she’s 68 and I don’t want to miss all the years doing stuff together before she becomes an old lady haha This past year has felt like a roller coaster and I’ve spent a lot of it trying to work on myself and I feel like I’m finally in a good spot both mentally and health wise! While there were a lot of good that came out of this year, it has also been one of the most testing years of my life. It felt like everything that could wrong went wrong, and I couldn’t get ahead. I was already dealing with health issues and the extreme stress made them all a million times worse. So thank you for helping me make so many amazing memories with her this past year and for sticking around, it wouldn’t have been possible without you.




You are amazing! Glad your doing better and getting to spend time with family! 🥰


Glad you’re doing awesome


Family matters and it’s good to make those positive memories.


Boo for complications. Hooray for progress!


You’re doing a great job!! Healing is never a bad thing and know there are always people here for you. Enjoy all the new memories!!


You are more than good, self care is super important and family time is also important