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Hello! Sorry for the lateness. The past few months have been an absolute nightmare due to personal family issues, and I have been trying to play catch up. I was determined that this year was going to be the year that I get on top of things and work on better managing myself (which I do have to say I have made a lot of improvements w/ getting stuff done and actually scheduling all of my health appointments) but for some reason this year so far has also been the biggest string of bad luck and misfortunes. Every time I manage to get my footing something else seems to happen ;-; the beginning of last week my brother got in a car accident and totaled my mom's car and then the next day my aunt got into a car accident and passed away. I usually try not to talk too much about what is going on, aside from venting to friends, but I feel terrible for not being able to get a hold and then my aunt's passing really wrecked me. Because of all of this I really wanted to get on here and apologize and let you know I really appreciate you all and I hope to get back into the swing of things asap. I will be posting sets for this month over the next few days. The cosplay this month is going to be a repeat of an older one redone since the one I was working on is not finished and I had to drive down to Virginia for the funeral for a few days and don't think I will have it done in time. Once again sorry for the absence and for being so patient <3 



That's unfortunate. Appreciate the transparency. Completely understandable and hope everything gets better soon! Take all the time you need.


We're all here for you if you need anything 🖤


I'm sorry for your loss and the difficulties you've been through. Take your time, you already have our unconditional support 💙