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My friend wanted to get in some practice shots yesterday so she asked me if I wanted to go out and take some, it was stormy yesterday and I absolutely love how the clouds and weathered background look in these. Unfortunately it started down pouring and we had to cut it a bit short 😭 I’m hoping to do some more w her in the future but I figured I’d share these here w you! Which one is your favorite?? 🤔




3 for me, love the landscape and I think it's really well framed


Amazing shots, all of them. Fave would probably be 9, the pose reminds me of those mermaids on the front of ships and just looking out to the ocean always awes me


They all look great! I love 5 the most


Prefer the closer up ones


I like 14 and 9 the best. 14 because your eyes are closed and the light and framing of the picture are amazing. 9 because the dark grass and then the grey of the water and sky give a textured and turbulent feel to the picture while you are calm and colourful. Beautiful pictures. The whole set is amazing.


There all amazing, but I'm partial to #7