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Season finale!



PP 11 patreon.m4v



Some cool small things that are hard to catch like Kong being in the national team but he is actually in the Japanese national team not Chinese which is super cool. Or Smile teaching children when in episode 1 he said he hates small kids because they are unpredictable or Smile telling Kazama early in the show how staking your life to Table Tennis is ridiculous and his mind changed. There are a lot of amazing small things and I don't wanna say them all but if you ever re-watch it is definitely gonna be a blast ^^


right?? I feel like the creator really put a lot of thought into this series! There's so many small things that you can miss that are a big deal if you are invested in the characters, which you probably are at this point! One of the very few anime where I was satisfied with the series in its entirety! Glad this one got voted in!