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I recently discovered a site that has been leaking my (and others) patreon content. Until I get this taken care of I will be posting primarily on discord. 

You should be added automatically, make sure you link your discord to your patreon account (settings>connected apps) 

If you have any difficulties with this let me know and I will try to help out! I know this is a huge inconvenience but hopefully it won't take long to resolve. Thank you for understanding and have a great weekend!


King Grimm

I imagine you should coordinate to see if you all have any patreons in common that might be the person doing it, though if they made different accounts for each one then I don't really have any ideas what you might do


Wooof that's annoying. :/ There are some services that will content ID basically the whole internet for you, but they can be prohibitively expensive for small creators.


I got the impression it was actually a code/program that was being used, which im not sure is much better


I'm hoping it doesn't take longer than a week or 2 to take care of. For now I'm going to have to research DMCA forms to see if I need to get a PO box for this take down request.


No problem. I got discord so I'll try to keep up. Usually keep it on silent cause notifications are noisy lol