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MIND BLOWN. Just when I thought that I could figure out what direction this episode was going in... Okay, I guess I was wrong 🤣

Woah... WOAH. WOAHHHH!!!!!

One thing I love about Doctor Who is that it really does keep us on our toes!

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/J4MvtcIkwp4




Now that you have seen Jack's backstory on being immortal, you can finally start Torchwood without it spoiling this episode.


Great reaction again, I will try not to spoil to much as this a multi episode story, the Master was from classic who and was the doctor arch rival, and Captain Jack's return was why some people wanted you to watch Torchwood, as Captain Jack is the main character in Torchwood and these episodes is where the series link together


I haven't seen these episodes in AGES, possibly years! I had this thought that I didn't really like them (aside from Jack's return). I was debating on re-watching them a while back, but decided to wait until you reached this point so I can re-watch them with you. Amazing reaction as always! Looking forward to the next one 😊

Neil Hanson

So it was Martha that led the professor to inspect the watch. Whatever happens next is Martha's fault then... I knew there was a reason I never liked her! (joking of course). Always great to see Jack. The charisma just drips off that man (John Barrowman would have made a great Doctor I think). Don't know about the whole living forever thing though. One life is enough for me. OK, maybe two. Great reaction as always Juliette. Thanks.

Martin Holt

THAT'S what I've been waiting for! The Master himself!

Shaun Stonard

Probably my favourite episode, what an absolute cracker. Welcome to The Master!


I love your theories at the end! Not saying you're right or wrong, you'll find out next week, but as someone who has watched this show their entire life, to the point that I can't remember watching these episodes for the first time, its so interesting to see your thoughts and reactions to these big moments in the show. It is like getting to watch it for the first time myself.


I did hear he was in Torchwood! I still don't have time to react to more, but I can always just watch it by myself 😸


It's very much all Martha's fault 🤣 If she had kept her nose out of it... A good companion is hard to find 😜 Thank you, Neil 💜😸


Oh Juliette I've said it before & I'll say it again. You need to get to a wholesaler for tissues when David regenerates..It's sadly going to break you in two I fear

The Rising Ape

As has been mentioned The Master is a long running foe of The Doctor and eventually (from future episodes) you'll learn a lot more about their relationship (this is also not quite the end of The Face of Bo's Story). Again, the two part finale is some of the seasons best work and that's saying alot for this season. Great reaction, can't wait for more. <3


One of the best episodes of Who full of great character moments for everyone. My favourite little fact about this episode is that when The Doctor and Yana are working together the score that plays is called This is Gallifrey Our Childhood. Our Home. Which is a nice subtle hint to who he really is.


Jack clinging to the TARDIS led them all to the end of the universe so it's his fault too. And, the Doctor being there made the Professor start to remember (the Professor took the watch out himself) so all 3 are to blame. That's it. All 3 of them on the naughty step right now.


I had the pleasure of meeting Sir Derek Jacobi (Prof Yana/The Master) at the weekend at a Doctor Who convention. He was so adorable and thankfully more like Yana than the Master in real life haha. This was such a MASSIVE moment for fans of the Classic series during the reveal. I still get goosebumps when I watch this.

Colin 3of5

Hi Juliette welcome to the next level of watching The Doctor, with multi season seeds flowering. Like everyone else I've been waiting for this. You were a joy to watch as The Master was revealed. I'm not going to say anything else except looking forward to the next episode.


I strongly recommend that even if you don't react to Torchwood, please react to season 3. It is less a season and more a mini series. It is only 5 episodes, and I think you won't regret it. I don't want to say more.


Side note, Peter Capaldi, my personal favorite Doctor, starred as a Government Official in Torchwood Season 3 Children of Earth and as a different character in an upcoming Doctor Who episode before he was cast as The Doctor. Doctor Who has done this before. If you remember, the first girl who was controlled by a cyberman that got her coworker to go back to be converted in season 2 was played by the same actress that is playing Martha.


It's been years since I last watched Torchwood, I didn't even know that Peter Capaldi was in it, Peter Capaldi is also my favourite doctor, narrowly beating David Tennant

Martin Holt

Maggie Smith from Hogwarts: *Sigh* It's always you three, isn't it?

Martin Holt

At its best, DW is a lot like a jigsaw puzzle. Each episode is a piece. As you watch, the pieces all come together, until BOOM, you see a cute kitten. Who then steals your TARDIS and leaves you to be eaten by cannibals.

len ☆

in my opinion this is one of THE best episodes of doctor who!! it literally gives me shivers to this day

len ☆

oh and also you mentioned anagrams, (not a spoiler in the slightest, but something you might want to figure out yourself just for fun so, warning in advance) torchwood is actually an anagram of doctor who!


I couldn't believe it... I had such high hopes, too... It kinda went wrong 🤣😭


John Simm is excellent as the master and the perfect mirror for Tennant, but I do wish that we got some more on screen time with Derek Jacobi - absolutely stellar and makes this episode a 10 for me