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Just when I think I would be safe from having to deal with the waterworks, they like to just get me in the feels a wee bit! I love, love, LOVE, the interaction between Martha and the Doctor in this one. I adore how she stands up for herself. Martha is a strong woman who speaks up for herself if she doesn't like something. It's wonderful to see! She has a lot of brilliant qualities, and I feel we are only just scratching the surface for now. I cannot WAIT to see how her character grows the further we go!

I know there might be a few who say the Lazarus monster is cheesy, but I really enjoyed it! 

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/jXMQlOb_Tk0



Michael Champion

Hush, that is what you've seen recently where the monster was destroyed by sound, Buffy's scream.


I'm so glad I joined this community! I didn't know you had a Patreon, I was watching, liking and sometimes commenting on your edited YouTube videos since I found your channel. The other day I checked the description for the first time and saw the Patreon link haha. Loving the full reaction! If only I knew about this a lot earlier, but I'm glad I'm here now :)


Aww thank you, Melanie!! It's so lovely to have you here 💜 it's a bit quieter here than on youtube. Smaller and a bit more calm for sure 🥰