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Oof, we're starting to see Kate again but it definitely hasn't gone the way I would have liked... 😔 BUT!! More Angel/us backstory and I love, love, love it so much!!!!!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Years! I went to sleep at my usual time, but amusingly, woke at 11:48pm so I got to ring in the new year and someone in my town set off some fireworks (illegal here) so there's that 🤣 Woohoo!

It's a bit of an odd time, these holiday periods. I never quite know what the day is and I've had two long weekends in a row now. It's been lovely though, spending time with loved ones and relaxing. Yesterday I started playing Cat Quest and I LOVE IT! I've got way too many games on the go right now haha but it's fun 💜

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/C4YvmKidFVE



David Schmidt

Obviously this episode compares and contrasts Kate's and Angel's (Liam's) paternal relationships. And of course, Darla's statement toward the end (I am paraphasing) 'What we were informs what we become.' Throw away line or very meaningful, who knows? As for vampires popping out of their graves, we have seen this with Buffy patroling cemteries. Also, we get a bit of lore at least twice during the course of the two shows about how long it takes after death to rise as a vampire (one instance is in your future viewing of an Angel episode). The dead shall rise before the next dawn. But the writers and directors don't always strictly adhere to this timeline. Modern funerals may take several days before the actual burial which is why we often see Buffy staking new vamps in funeral homes and morgues (i.e. Teresa in 'Phases' with her message to Buffy from Angelus).


I LOVED Angelus' birth scene!! It was amazing! I remember seeing new vampires pop up out of graves sometimes, but sometimes that doesn't happen either, like way back in the beginning with Jesse! Sometimes they switch it up a bit just to keep us fresh hehe


I am so glad you are enjoying the Angel episodes, and this is a great one. I feel so sorry for Kate this episode, her encounters with the supernatural keep getting worse and worse and unfortunately Angel is always there. We saw at the retirement part she really wants her father's approval but he is not comfortable showing his emotions, so here he expresses his care by making sure he will have money to leave her. Now he's gone and she can never get that approval from him. Also Wesley managed a whole episode with out falling over or getting an axe stuck in a wall, and Cordelia cutting up demon entrails is such a change from the character we saw in S1 of Buffy.


Alternating order is completely safe until season 3. And then I think it's safe to swap there, start season 3 with Angel, and alternate the other way around until the end of Buffy. But you'll figure it out when you get there :)