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And here we see the epic conclusion to the previous episode! It's not just me, is it? These Cybermen are scary! Their big, booming steps... I don't know about you guys, but I've heard people say that AI will be the thing that destroys the human race, and if it's anything like THESE things, it's likely 🤣

A really good episode... sad, in places. And don't worry! I've calmed down about Rose and saw things from her perspective by the end of the episode 😅 She just loves her mum and dad and wants happiness... no matter if it's the past, future, alternate universe or what! She's a sweetheart.

Have a lovely day 🥰 (p.s. I'm not sure if I've complained about my thumb yet, but I've hurt my right thumb from most likely replying to comments on my phone. I've had to not do that as much to just allow my thumb to calm down, so Youtube comments are a little bit slower for me to get to. It's feeling a lot better now so I just need a couple more days rest and will use the computer more for the comments during the day!)

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/4LarB67uuNI



Martin Holt

I just rewatched Juliette's very first DW reaction, ROSE. In her ending commentary, while speculating about characters in future episodes, she said, approximately, 'We probably won't see Mickey again.' Juliette, when you said, that, would you ever have imagined where Mickey would end up? :-)


Absolutely not! It was amazing to see Mickey's story forge ahead and he has become so dear to me 🥰 I really hope we see him again, but I'm not sure if that will happen, given where he is!

Paul Hess

Just like people have favorite doctors, favorite regenerations, they also have favorite exits for companions recurring characters. This one for Micky is a pretty great exit story!


It really was so perfect for him... he's with a version of his Gran, and here in this world, he's NEEDED. Love it so much!