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How GOOD is this episode?! It has so much in it that I like! Suspence, drama, scary clock monsters, A HORSE, action, and a little bit of romance!

This one seemed like it was much more than "an episode". Not sure if that makes sense... it was just so epic, so exciting, so interesting... it really did tick all those boxes!

I hope you are all having a lovely week so far! I'm doing to my last few half-days before heading back into it on Monday, but it's been enjoyable. Yesterday I went rock/wall climbing and boy, was that hard! I only reached the top on one of the walls and it was a miracle that I could! My arms are a bit sore today and I have a bruised knee 😅 thank goodness it came with a harness and ropes otherwise I probably wouldn't be writing this today HAHA

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/Hr-0wkFhSvk



Paul Hess

This is my favorite season 2 episode, and it was the moment I decided that David Tennant totally owned the role of the doctor going forward. I can't imagine anyone else pulling this off in the way he did. Beyond Tennant, everything about this episode is so well crafted. Juliette I'm looking forward to watching it again through your eyes today. :-) And I love how they honored things that came before, in their usual irreverent way. "Always bring a banana to a party. Bananas are good". "Anything could happen". "Look what the cat dragged in. The oncoming storm"


Oh, I'm really looking forward to watching this one with you. Remember the gas mask zombies from series 1. Well this was the next NuWho story from this writer. Quite often, they have some of the highlight episodes of a series. Depending on ya predilections of course.

Martin Holt

Now you get an idea of the caliber of girl that can steal the Doctor's heart.

Milan W.

Girl in the Fireplace is definitely a fan favorite, so you're not alone in perceiving it as special.

Lime Pie

Another banger episode from Steven Moffat! I'm not usually one for romance in Doctor Who, but this episode pulls it off. I think it might be a combination of David Tennant's brilliant acting, Madame de Pompadore's witty dialogue, and lack of drama that makes this episode special.


I truly love this episode. It's one that I always look forward to seeing again. Reinette's character was so beautifully eloquent, strong willed, and enchanting. David Tenant and Sophia Myles (Reinette) chemistry was so real that they actually started dating after this episode. They were in a relationship for about 2 years. Reinette's friend who she was walking with in the gardens, you recognized her from something. I'm not sure if you've seen BBC's Merlin, but she has a prominent role in that as Gwen.

Paul Hess

What a beautiful episode. Such amazing use of music and timing. I hope you have a chance to watch this again in private and just delight in the artwork of the dialog, the acting, the music, the visual design, the concepts.

Paul Hess

You're not going to believe this, but just like when I said during season 1 "don't worry, there are amazing things ahead" I can repeat it now. As good as this is, there are still some amazing moments in seasons to come that I dare say put this to shame.

The Rising Ape

"You are not keeping the horse!" "Why not? I let you keep Mickey" Such a great episode and a great reaction too. Can't wait for the next.

The Dog Whisperer

I hope you enjoyed this as much as most of us, it's one of those you might go back and watch again every now and then. This one is definitely in my top ten new who episodes, probably top five. It shows a very soft and vulnerable side of the Doctor...not the usual comedic melodrama. The Doctor again saves the day...but there is a price. The Doctor is not always in control. The TARDIS is a wicked mistress, it doesn't always take him where he wants to go. The question is often asked, why didn't they just take the TARDIS back in time to the day after the party in Versailles? TruFanBoys will say it would cross the Doctors timeline and create a paradox but thats bunk. The Doctor was never in Paris the day AFTER these events. He could just go then, pick up Renny, take her to a couple stars and be back...as he promised her. It would serve Rose right.


Eeee gonna watch this later. Probably my favourite episode of Dr Who. Definitely top 3 at least 👌

Lloyd B

The writer of this episode, Steven Moffat (who also wrote The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances) does like to explore the concepts, consequences and paradoxes of time travel, more so than most other writers I think. In a sense, this story is a direct follow-up of the themes from School Reunion- what it’s like to effectively be immortal and watch those you learn to love age and die. But here it’s accelerated by the time travel as the Doctor pops in and out of Madame De Pompadours’ life. Her speech about being the weary traveler forced to take the slow path is so telling and poignant. Imagine being that little girl with the imaginary hero figure, always waiting for the next time he randomly pops into your life. Equally tragic for the Doctor, who then finds it hard to commit and form long term relationships, and so rarely ever opens up to the people he surrounds himself with (“I’m always okay”). Great episode, beautifully crafted with outstanding performances.

Neil Hanson

Not much to say other than this has to my favourite episode of Doctor Who so far. (Also, when can we expect a rock climbing vlog? 😝)

Martin Holt

The problem with him picking her up after the party would be that, by the time he got back to Versailles through the fireplace, she had died without ever seeing him again. If he picked her up the day after, it would contradict that timeline. Time travel. It's weird.

Martin Holt

'What did she say?' Puts letter in pocket without even looking at the king. *Chills.*


NEVER 🤣🤣 I was embarrassingly terrible! Only just now have my arms stopped hurting hahaha


He really exudes so much.... power. I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for, but it might be close.

Tex N7

Rock Climbing!? Omg I sooo miss that! I haven't rock climbed since highschool...when I was in a lot better shape. I remember be sore for a few days after but sooo worth it! Think If I were to rockclimb now I would probably be laid up in bed for a century;) Hope you feel better soon Juliette!<3

James Hawkins

This is my favorite episode of all times. I love the interaction between the Doctor and Madame de Pompadour. She so bright and her ability to grasp the concept of Time Travel is better than most, if not all, companions.

Paul Hess

You’ve finished Series 2 and when I commented on the final episode I mentioned this one. So I couldn’t help myself from going back and rewatching it and your reaction. Such an awesome episode, and it’s fun to see your joyous laughter throughout the episode combined with the depth and drama of the serious plot unfolding throughout. Definitely a favorite episode of mine.