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So now we're into the full swing of things with the Doctor feeling quite healthy and Rose feeling quite flirty. Happy days, innit?

A lovely episode featuring yukky things and cool cats and old friends. I'm impressed and very happy with this season so far 🥰🥰

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/G_MGd3AjjTw



Neil Hanson

An episode with talking cat-people. I wonder what your (smelly 😛) cat would say if it could talk Juliette!


This is a fun one. I do think the resolution is a bit rushed. Bung everything in a bucket and let's go. David really sells it though. Billie asked for something a bit fun and lighter after some of the heavier stories of series 1. So this was very much in reply to that request. It does play into the developing on screen chemistry that they have. Also the scene in the lift (elevator), they didn't tell Billie what was going to happen. So her reaction was one of genuine surprise.

Martin Holt

Apparently, the decontamination scene in the elevator took several takes. At first, the water was quite warm; however, as time passed, it got progressively colder, until David and Billie were freezing. Acting, it's what you sign up for.


All 3 would say different things 🤣 Black smelly cat: I will kill you in your sleep Grey chonk: Shut up and feed me Neglected ginger: I was here first and I hate you They love me, truly... No, honest 🤣


The way Billie speaks as Casandra is much closer to how she actually speaks in real life. For Rose she has to put on that London accent.


Always felt the end of this episode is very poetic and touching in a way you'd never expect for Cassandra of all characters. Couple fun facts about this episode: 1. Billie Piper had a big influence on this episode. She had told Russel T Davies (the main writer) that she'd love to have a comedic role in an episode, since in season 1 a lot of her episodes had been very heavy and emotionally draining. So her getting to spend most of an episode playing the silly and flamboyant Cassandra was perfect for this. It is however a very interesting first episode for David as The Doctor since he spends a portion of it acting as a flirtatious woman lmao! 2. This is not officially confirmed though it is joked about in an audio commentary of this episode by David and Russel. Where they say that the passionate kiss in this episode between Rose and The Doctor was improvised by Billie Piper who just lunged at David and he just went along with it so they kept it in. There's been no official statement on it besides that so whether it's true or not it's fun to speculate about.


I really don't think I could do it 🤣 it's funny to know there were many takes! You'd think it would take a long time between drying their clothes and hair and re-doing the makeup!


Mind blown! Would it be too weird of me to hear her real voice somewhere or would it sort of ruin things a bit?


You know what, I'm just gonna leave that above comment there 🤣🤣 I pressed enter too early, but it really was meant to be HAHAHA


I love that they listened to Billie's suggestions! How awesome of her. That shows me that they actually care about her input and she's not *just* an actor in their eyes. And that kiss? My goodness! She is very bold if that is the case haha 😅


It's difficult to find any interviews with Billie that don't somehow reference Doctor Who, but this is a safe to watch clip. I don't think it would change the way you view her character. https://youtube.com/shorts/BZJAZLFWXkc?si=EUuQAC08Y503o8cX

Neil Hanson

Three cats? Be careful Juliette, they might decide to stage a mutiny! 😂

Martin Holt

The problem was the sheer size of the water tank. There just wasn't enough time to heat the water between takes.

Martin Holt

Around the same time as his stint as the Doctor, David Tennant appeared in HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE (2005.) His character was a Deatheater named Barty Crouch Jr. Not much to add.


"Who" Asked? i would've loved that hahahaha way too out of character from you unfortunately lmao


There are WAY MORE behind the scenes and bloopers parts on youtube on david tennant and billie piper rather than other doctors and companions, you can really tell that they were good friends and it makes the episodes just the more convincing

Martin Holt

One of the continuing themes of DW is redemption. Even the most monstrous villain - even a Dalek - can find forgiveness for its crimes, if it chooses to. If it doesn't choose to - well, as the Doctor said to the Sycorax, 'No second chances. That's who I am.'


I loved the doctors kindness during this episode. He's really something else, isn't he 🥰

Michael Champion

Greetings Juliette, I love how much you are loving this series amd feel that some general 1970's and 80's background, spoiler free, would be good at this time, so read below. The second longest companion is a lady called Sarah-Jane Smith, who started with the third doctor around 1973 and 80 episodes later finished with the fourth Doctor in the late 70's. She also had three spin-off series starting in 1981. So british adults and most of the kids watching this series who have only a fleeting knowledge of Dr Who know about her. One of the spin-offs was with another companion called K9. That is all, it may just be good to have this knowledge right now. In about a years time you may need one more bit of history.

Paul Hess

As a long time Dr. Who fan, enjoying your journey with the 9th and 10th doctors (and beyond!), I second Michael's thought that this is a good bit of general background to have and isn't spoilery in any bad way.

Paul Hess

As a long time Dr. Who fan, enjoying your journey with the 9th and 10th doctors (and beyond!), I second Michael's thought that this is a good bit of general background to have and isn't spoilery in any bad way. (reposted here, since I just realized that if you're unsure whether to read Michael's comment you also wouldn't have seen mine).


Oooh I kind of wish I saw this sooner as I know a little bit more about Sarah Jayne now 😸I've got some days off planned in a week or so, so instead of disrupting things here, I thought I would record ahead a little to cover those days 💜

chicks dig me (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-29 06:11:19 For Juliette... https://youtu.be/XNXIZuIBJKs?si=QFtLEwopFwSbob2C
2023-10-29 06:11:19 For Juliette... https://youtu.be/XNXIZuIBJKs?si=QFtLEwopFwSbob2C
2023-10-29 06:11:19 For Juliette... https://youtu.be/XNXIZuIBJKs?si=QFtLEwopFwSbob2C
2023-09-09 00:08:29 For Juliette... https://youtu.be/XNXIZuIBJKs?si=QFtLEwopFwSbob2C

For Juliette... https://youtu.be/XNXIZuIBJKs?si=QFtLEwopFwSbob2C


Hey there, I'm brand new here, thought I'd say hello. Hello. I am a lifetime fan of the Doctor, so I checked out your Patreon. I see you also have a large amount from the Whedonverse as well, so I will work my way through that as well. Here's to more to come.