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Wow, okay. I LOVED this episode. It was even better when editing as I knew what was happening. It was just so... different! Seen from Xander's perspective, making the others seem like background filler story when it's usually the opposite way around. Very clever! Lots of fun!

A highlight for me was the Buffy and Angel scene 🤣

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/XntZSVdrSQ4




I'm glad you liked it! Some viewers find the focus on Xander annoying, and would rather focus on the big demon plot. But I love seeing more about Xander and having him find some self-confidence. Some of it is a bit over the top of course, but overall I really like the episode.

Absolute0 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-29 06:11:21 I know there's at least some portion of the fanbase that doesn't care for this episode but personally I adore it. A bit of a "concept episode" with the very B-plot adventures of Xander and his new friends pushed to the front and more typical A-plot world endy stuff taking place in background, and then to have the over-the-top dramatics of that A-plot to draw even more of a distinction...I just think it's clever as hell, not to mention entertaining😆 I love it when the writers experiment with different things and a lot of the more polarizing episodes almost always get a big thumbs up from me.
2023-08-19 20:14:50 I know there's at least some portion of the fanbase that doesn't care for this episode but personally I adore it. A bit of a "concept episode" with the very B-plot adventures of Xander and his new friends pushed to the front and more typical A-plot world endy stuff taking place in background, and then to have the over-the-top dramatics of that A-plot to draw even more of a distinction...I just think it's clever as hell, not to mention entertaining😆 I love it when the writers experiment with different things and a lot of the more polarizing episodes almost always get a big thumbs up from me.

I know there's at least some portion of the fanbase that doesn't care for this episode but personally I adore it. A bit of a "concept episode" with the very B-plot adventures of Xander and his new friends pushed to the front and more typical A-plot world endy stuff taking place in background, and then to have the over-the-top dramatics of that A-plot to draw even more of a distinction...I just think it's clever as hell, not to mention entertaining😆 I love it when the writers experiment with different things and a lot of the more polarizing episodes almost always get a big thumbs up from me.


I thought it was amazing! I adored the parody of it all. So clever and unique 🤣


I love it, too! It's SO clever and pokes just the right amount of fun at itself haha. The Buffy and Angel stuff was hilarious... dramatic love scenes and tears out of nowhere 🤣🤣🤣