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So.... Buffy is back in Sunnydale. This episode was a bit difficult to watch in places. Arguments and serious fights make me feel a bit uncomfortable but I guess it all needed to be said, the air cleared, and now we can move on to happier times?

Nope, that's just a joke because clearly we are watching Buffy 🥲

I am back to it after my break though I have to say I don't feel refreshed at all hahaha. Oh well! These things happen 🤣 I still managed to record and edit some Buffy and Doctor Who so I didn't get behind!

Thank you to everyone for your patience. I really do try as hard as I can 💜 I'm looking at getting an editor for the X Files episodes so at least they can go out in a more timely manner, so that's going to be great if it works out! I edit everything myself and I really don't know if I will be happy with someone else editing something, but I run out of time for everything 🥹 Fingers crossed it works out!!

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/E9YPudsDXII



Michael Short

Xander annoyed me the most in this episode. He was so quick to judge and attack her.

Stephen Knueppel

You're so distrustful of new people now, lol. It's like you live on a Hellmouth or something 🤣🤣. The little monster only changes once in awhile but it's fun to catch it. I'm glad you'll be looking for that now.


I just thought it would have been an epic place for some more insults at the end 😅