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Firstly, I just want to mention that I never intended to have reaction videos up as full reactions 🤭 so in the few seconds that I cough or generally look weird, I've taken away my camera 😂 It's only a few times, but I can say that I am much better these days at trying to remember that someone out there may see the full thing so I try to remember that when recording, though sometimes it does slip my mind!

Thank you for all your love and support so far! I look back on this reaction and remember my feelings of confusion and intrigue when watching the pilot and realise how clueless I was. I had no idea that Firefly was about to become one of the best things EVER!


Michael Short

I go to meet Kaley years ago :) https://i.gyazo.com/d12aca03facc4735bf08c39829469a13.jpg


MICHAEL! This is a beautiful photo of you both! Thank you so much for sharing. I can't imagine how incredible it would have been to meet her 🥰🥰


don't be silly, I'm sure you look just as lovely now! And what's that saying about aging like a fine wine 😋 I'm becoming more unapologetic about my age the further I get, I find 😅

Michael Short

Lol. I think I said this on another video of yours but you look great :) I guess I can't be too hard on myself though. I'm next to Kaley, compared to her would make a lot of people seem worse than they are haha

Nicholas Bogroff Ganssle

Is there any way you can make this downloadable? I like to sync reactions up with their source material in Adobe Premiere to make sure they don't slip out of sync. So, it would help me be able to enjoy your content, if I could download the video file of your reactions.


Hey Nicholas! Oh thank you so much for joining and I hope you enjoy the videos 💜 I will have to check further if Patreon allows video downloads. It's possible at some point in the future I may use another video hosting site such as Vimeo etc, it's just that their plans are quite expensive right now. Patreon gives me free hosting which is amazing. I'll check but it's possible that they don't allow downloads and if not, it could be due to cancelling a subscription immediately once everything is downloaded 😔

Nicholas Bogroff Ganssle

Fair enough. If it helps, I found this on the Patreon Support Page: "Attaching a video file to a Post You can attach a video file to any Post type directly from your device. This won’t show as a video player in the main body of your post, but it will populate as a link at the bottom of your post. Patrons can then click on the link to download your video file. To attach your video file, click the Upload button near the bottom of the Post creator/editor." Link to the full page: [ https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017431292-Share-my-videos-with-patrons#:~:text=Attaching%20a%20video%20file%20to%20a%20Post,to%20download%20your%20video%20file. ] There might be limitations on this feature (like a maximum file size or something), but it's one potential way to do it. Either way, I appreciate your prompt response to my question. :-)


Thank you, Nicolas! That was some awesome reading in there and you're a great detective of information 🤭 Unfortunately a bit further along from that info about downloading, it says only 200mb. The videos are around 5 to 10 gig 😥 I'm still working on editing the rest of the episodes but depending on my week, I usually try to get 1 or 2 out if I can 💜