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I hope everyone has been well! Look, I'm going to be honest here. I finally bought a new desk to record/work on and I adore it. I'm so happy. But, I moved the desk position so I'm in a new spot in the room. I'm uncomfortable. I feel out of sorts. I've recorded a few videos in this position but I was still working out the lighting/positioning of the camera, and I don't LIKE the videos, but I have no choice 🤣

I think I've got a good position now. I've done many tests. Even at 6am with no makeup on (omg, you don't want to see that) and it looks okay now. So that's sorted.

I also bought a new mic on the weekend as it was on sale! It's still not a very expensive mic, but it's better than what I was using. So we will see that come out at the start of the BioShock Infinite DLC! Until then, you just have to put up with the poo audio. ESPECIALLY, and get this, my first Bully episode I recorded, the mic was too far away from my mouth so it sounds AWFUL. And I'm embarrassed.

But me not being professional and a normal silly human being is why you love me, right 😜

Just gotta ignore the awkwardness of the bad audio and video... just endure... we will fix it this week... all will be good

*rocks back and forth in the corner*


Roderick Hare

I'm cool with however your videos are, I really enjoy your videos 😊👍


You could record with a Glados potato and we will still love it ! 😊