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Okay.... Well. Firstly, I just want to say thank you to everyone for not spoiling this episode, or the lead up to it. I genuinely went in with no spoilers or no idea what we were going to see. I know that a few of you wanted to reach out and give a heads up, not out of wanting to spoil, but out of kindness. I love so much that you were thinking of me and being so caring, but also were so respectful of not wanting to spoil things. THANK YOU 💜 I truly understand it would have felt like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, but I'm so glad to have seen this knowing nothing about the episode.

Youtube link: https://youtu.be/Myp2RHdhUJg

✨✨Please don't read below if you haven't seen the episode ✨✨










I don't like to say too much about the episode here in this little box, but I just want to say that this episode was very difficult for me to watch. There were many moments where I couldn't look. I don't think I'll be watching this episode again, maybe ever. And I understand if you don't want to watch it either 🫂 I've lost loved ones, like I'm sure many of you have. I don't really talk about it. But I feel the loss every single day. It's HARD. To those that have also dealt with loss, in whatever form, I'm sorry. I understand. You're not alone.
























Claire Eyles

Prior to this episode as well BTVS tended to be dismissed by a lot of critics as just some silly teen Vampire show. Once this episode dropped it was like watching critics all getting whiplash en masse as they proceeded to do a sudden heel turn and went, "This is one of the greatest episodes in television history, and it's Buffy the Vampire Slayer?! Wait, what?!" They paid a lot more attention after that.


Its unbelievable that this didn't win best writing and cinematography.


This episode makes you process unresolved grief, even if you don't know that you have unresolved grief.