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And this is the full reaction 😸



Martin Holt

ADVENTURES IN CONTINUITY: River's sonic pistol - the blue-square-zappy thing - is the same as Captain Jack's weapon from EMPTY CHILD (Season 1.) Which means, at some point, River Song either went to the factory before the Doctor turned it into a banana farm - or River Song has met the Captain.

James Gorman

Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead is one of the best two part episodes of Series 4. High concept Sci Fi with some genuine horror elements. The monster is such a fantastic and simple idea. River Song is a very important character in the series. That’s all I can say. No spoilers! Terrific performances from the cast, an inventive script by Steven Moffat and excellent direction.


I agree, James! The next episode is just incredible. I was too curious about Donna and had to watch it ASAP haha