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The Ocs are here and yes they are coming back cause i got lots to give that i do want to share even though my months get very busy but i still have something to share, I'll be getting more posts out frequently as to what characters are, what i'm doing with them and the plans for future projects ahead. I wanted to be more updating this month but couldn't cause i've been getting more commissions to get bills paid but it's giving time to plan and now take action so I'll be getting lots more posts with a schedule attached to keep everyone on track and updated on what's going on, really appreciate everyones support and i will be back with way more content! As for the polls that'll be the first things posted to get out the way as i find them both fun and interactive and help me gage the crowd on where they are, some I'll make choices others i'll leave it to chat to suggest their favorite toon women. I'll be back with the first pinup poll in a while along with the rest, see you guys soon!



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