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Where I have been:

Super sorry for the late Aquarium Bombs as of late, been dealing with my brother's open heart surgery and his recovery. Been also a bit burnt out on certain things so been on and off with projects. Been dealing with a lot at home and some personal turmoils, however, I'm slowly recovering from it.

Have been sick here and there but lately been raring to go at new content. Also been trying at a new stream set up for future streams... Been stuck on discord and my laptop isn't the best, but I found a comfortable solution to save on my laptop's RAM

So hopefully future Patreon Events will be hosted on public streams and private streams. Whether it be Pay What You Want or Free for all streams. I will also plan to stream Patreon projects and animation projects too!

Video game updates:

The game project has also been worked on and ported over to the newly updated engine for GB Studio, hopefully, I will release new screenshots and a brand new patron painting gallery for the game when I can finish more of the Campus!

Some more new things are also planned but I'm sure I can make them work... considering certain features were removed like Instanced scenes and Invoke Actor Scripts which is a major bummer.

Final Thoughts:

I've been grateful to work for Patreon but I'm gonna have to try a lot harder for you guys, it's been tough juggling so many things like games, art, and animation. But it's been a fun challenge. I thank you for your patience And I hope November will be different in terms of the upload schedule.

I still have to take care of stuff at home, considering my brother's surgery looming some concerns since he's been on a speedy recovery. It's frightening, but I've also got to play my part

Thank you to those who read all up until now, I will try harder to start streaming and getting more stuff done...!

Happy Halloween!~
