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This Beta is still a collection of ideas and in no way finalized for a proper demo of the game. Concepts are still concepts and some ideas need to be realized as of this beta...

Thanks for your support!


> Aqua's Sprite has been heavily redesigned into a final look. No more Programmer Aqua!

> Aqua's Event Has been updated heavily! More Screens, touch ups, and even a new minigame for it.

> Backgrounds have been much more Optimized along with sprites and animations

> Title screen has been replaced by the finalized version!

> Fixed a ton of bugs from previous Builds ( Feel free to catch any new ones! )


> Shrinking mechanic by the use of Swirled jars. Shift your size from normal to micro. Currently, two jars exist... One with Quick Shrinking, and the other with the special animation. The Quick one saves on time and animation frames per scene.

> All characters have Normal Dialogue and Micro Dialogue depending on what your Size is!

>  2 new Patrons for the starting area: Zeal and Kenji!

> Special Characters Have 6 new Avatars each to be more expressive in dialogue

> Replaced beta character in the shopping district with a Dragon Character named Din!

> A Fishing Minigame to test out! ( If You need money just head to Orion's house trigger to set your money to 20 ) This minigame is available to do with a new character named Orion. His character location is still in development. 

> Added More areas to explore around. Including the Tavern where you can meet Spectre! You can also buy items from him using Mekari. 

> Key Items can be acquired and unlocked now

> More Hidden Easter eggs~
