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Finally being sorted at home with brand spankin new beds, I hope that my new schedule changes can finally take into affect. I will technically be able to draw way more now! 

However I do still get busy at home with the usual stuff, but now stuff has finally been built and sorted out, had to nearly delay almost a full week of not working on stuff because some issues with the seller. 

I still have some more projects Id love to get out soon once im happy with them!

Finally this is going out to yall; I will be posting more of my usual stuff soon but what exactly are you expecting of me? More sketches? Ideas? Nsfw? Sfw?

I plan to soon draw different characters too~ Maybe franchise characters.

Wanna also draw some patrons for fun on stream if I can~ hell ive got 3 people I owe some rewards too. They know who they are. 

I hope with the new changes irl, im able to produce more and have fun with other things too~ As for something sort of secret that im working on, its a gameboy game to test those eaters a bit more. I plan to have 2 versions of it. One where its more serious in terms of story, and one being saucy and spicy.

If you'd like updates in game development do let me know of you want me to release snapshots to how its shaping up. Because so far the worlds being built little by little. ~ 


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