Vent Doodle: Petrichor (Patreon)
Im still struggling with a lot behind the scenes, the months are getting harder but Im still trying to get stuff done even if as of late I've been out of focus with a lot of things in my Life. But things are certainly getting better...
I can only be grateful and thank for the people who support me... and to my Commissioners still waiting for me, I can only bow and apologize for being so disorganized and slow at times... Its not an excuse but gosh is it hard to balance stuff at home and working on here.
I don't want to keep scraping by, but there seems to be some cycles I need to change for the better. I made this to just... vent it all out into a drawing... Normal stuff will be coming soon this month but I'm still quite unhappy with how they look atm.
Thank you for... giving a shit about me you guys,,, though it seems.. I draw Javier the best whenever I'm venting out. He looks... disappointed in me but he knows I can do better. I will be better, just takes time for me to pick myself up.
I do want to avoid burn out and wrist pain since those are also still a thing hahah,,,
But... hope you guys enjoy this lad... but just like all the rainy days in our life, to smell that delicious scent in the air, reminds us that we can expect sunnier days too <3