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Ok I just GOTTA share this again in a separate post because I'm SUPER PROUD

For context: For the past couple of years I have drawn the majority of poses for my comics on paper first, as I am WAY faster with pen on paper than sketching everything digitally on my tablet first.

But despite me being FASTER and more confident on paper, that didn't mean that I no longer struggled with drawing what I wanted to draw. This is the reason why I'm taking photo-references for my comics: When it comes to humans, I always do need a clear reference to work from for the poses. And even THEN, something that I ALWAYS failed to nail on paper was the face.

I am definitely most known for my facial expressions when it comes to my comics, so that's why I hate to admit that I always squander them on paper - sometimes I leave them out completely because I know I will have to do corrections in Photoshop anyway, other times the scale on paper is just too small to do them:

However, in 2023 I began doing more facial expressions on Paper and Mohn was the  first guy where I could see an improvement: I only had to do minimal corrections in Photoshop:

And NOW for the VERY FIRST TIME I managed to sketch a drawing of Guz and El that barely needed any corrections!! :DD
This is the BEST sketch of Guzma and El I have ever done on paper!! I had to scale up Guzma a bit and fix his hand, but otherwise the sketch looked already perfectly fine!
And this is the FIRST TIME their expressions were ON POINT right away as well!
I only did some minor changes on Guzmas eyes and cleaned up a few lines, but THAT WAS ABOUT IT!!!

I AM SO RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY ABOUT THE IMPROVEMENT!!!! This is a HUGE milestone for me :DD Just needed to share that little win!! 🥰💖💕
