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It's been AGES since I last shared any of my photography and since I barely DO anything with it I thought why not share it with you guys???

First one is a picture of the VERY first Mason bee male that hatched from my Wildbee hotel this year! I unfortunately had to place the hotel in another garden of our neighborhood since I felt like there were not enough flowers on our proptery anymore to support them. I'm thinking about buying a new one tho since the birds in our neighbors garden have been quite relentless with the bee hotel...

Pic 3-5 are pictures of Western Honey Bees from our local bee keepers! I love visiting the hives when it's warm outside, the buzzing noise of thousands of bees is so soothing somehow...

The remaining pictures are of 2 wild bee species I have yet to identify! I especially love the last two as a series, since I don't think I've ever seen a wild bee looking UP like that - I had no idea they were so expressive, they become such lively individuals the more I study them! I love them so much :D

Honestly, after sharing that most recent May beetle video on Youtube, I'm kinda itching to still find a way to make use of my wildlife footage, both photos and film, in some way - Maybe I'll one day conceptualize some short educational videos for Youtube!

But you can be SURE that educational content from ME won't be nEARLY as professional as any BBC Documentary, but a lot more chaotic and humorous :'D Maybe I'll share some personal experiences from my wildlife observations...there's a lot of fun mini-stories to be told!

But I THINK I'm gonna do the Bella Sara video first...the video script is almost done!




You are so brave in order to be able to display a more gentle side of bees! 😊✨️ I am scared of them yet these photos make me feel at ease and makes them so cute and fluffy! X3