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In my 4-5 years since I started writing on my Gardendragon novels I NEVER managed to draw Fio's WHOLE family before!
WELL - Technically his aunt Agave is missing and there are some other Background Clan members but THIS IS THE BASE FAMILY!!!

GARTH and FAUNA - Fio's parents
Garth grew up in the wild and holds a strong grudge against humans. He is very biased towards dragons who prefer living in human territories (gardens instead of meadows). His kids he loves dearly, but he struggles with giving each enough attention.
Fauna grew up in a Garden with her family, but left the safety of the nest to be with Garth. Her much older sister Agave and one of their cousins followed after and Agave helped Fauna to become a strong leader of their new but growing Clan. She's a strict but loving mother who always has to think of the greater good for her family.
FIO - our main protagonist (together with Tika, not pictured here), he got his plumage too early as a child and dealed with a lot of problems because of it - being required to grow up early while remembering that he's still a child and needs to treat himself with patience and kindness. Otherwise a very curious and eager young dragon, hungry for knowledge but can also be very stubborn.
FALLON - Fio's little brother (they're not even a month apart)
He's a little glutton, especially for vine louses, and later becomes Aunt Agave's apprentice when he starts getting interested in herbs. He loves the smell and taste of them and is now learning to become a healer.
FREYA - Fio's sister, about the same age as him. She can be just as determined and stubborn as her brother and often feels outshined by him. She's still on an inner journey of self-discovery, wondering what truly defines her and what she can offer the clan.

Clover Sprites - or Red Clover Dragons - all have a bright pink / magenta plumage to stay hidden and camouflaged in their host plants when they're in bloom. Thus I had a rather limited color palette and design choices to play with to keep the base traits of the dragon species intact while STILL keeping the characters RECOGNIZABLE


But now I managed to do ALL of these headshots from scrap in just - 2 DAYS?????

FIO, the main character, obviously took the longest because he's the most crucial character. I spent HOURS correcting the first headshot I drew of him (the colored ones on slide 3) until I realized it was flawed from the get-go and that I had to take a leap and just. Do it again from scratch.

...and then I drew a headshot just as dynamic and lively as the rest of the bunch in just 5 minutes
This is what happens when you've drawn yourself wARM, your first attempt is gonna look terrible but when you're in the flow then you can just try again



Eleanor Bick

Fallon (last sketch) took me like 2 minutes to sketch I do not know what went through me - the little menace just PROJECTED HIMSELF onto my canvas it seems...and I LOVE HIM

Sophie Knaus

THESE ARE ALL SO COOL!! but i love the scrapped teenage fio design 🥹 the bit of green in the face is so cute