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It's been over a YEAR since I started working on these guys and NOW THEY'RE FINALLY DONE!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

If you have questions about the name, I sat very long on them but I just found Moomble funny
AND cute. It's a combi of  "Moon" and "Nimble". Also its face reminded me of the Moomins so I wanted to pay homage to them as well 

Stellarog and Climorog both use the Bosnian and Croatian word "jednorog" in their name which means Unicorn!

Stellarog = Stella (italian for "Star") + jednorog (Unicorn)
Climorog = Climb + jednorog aka the climbing Unicorn!

It was very difficult to name this line, as "Unicorn" doesn't give much experimental room to make some creative name combis with and the word is very identical in other languages. I REALLY didn't want the obvious CORN-Part in any of the names and tried to make them sound more cryptid.

And that's all of my fakemons for now! 3 lines are enough for me right now, maybe I'll do more in the future again but for now I just REALLY wanted to finish the designs I had started working on over a year ago. Super glad they're all done now!!




Omg I love them ♡ (btw, for Stellarog's description: it should probably say "prized posession" and "supposedly" for the spelling! English is.... *sigh* a bit stupid lol)

Eleanor Bick

OH Thank you for telling me, I DO tend to mix up the two from time to time! :'D And thank you so much!! I'll be correcting the typo for the version that goes online :)

Sophie Knaus