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Excuse my silence between the holidays - I had a WONDERFUL Christmas with the family but was pretty exhausted afterwards - through what I'd like to call an utter Christmas MIRACLE I did not get infected with my mom's flu or any other sickness my relatives were carrying... but I did not get away COMPLETELY scottfree. 

No covid, but I've got a VERY minor cold with a simple stuffed nose and overall just feeling very tired. I'll take it slow in the next few days and hope my energy will soon return. But overall *knocking on wood* I am still doing better than the rest of my friends and family :'D I hope it will remain like this and I'm looking forward to a fresh start in the new year!!

2022 was WILD. It was scary, it was exhausting, it was TERRIFYING in more ways than I could count. And yet WE'RE STILL HERE!!! WE MADE IT THROUGH!!! And despite how anxiety-inducing the first and then the third quarter of the year were and how I COMPLETELY missed out on summer due to a flu - I am SURPRISED just how much I still managed to get done this year!!

  • I made more detailed illustrations this year than in any other year!
  • I had some amazing and unexpected customers for commissions
  • I ended my book contract on good terms with my old publisher!
  • I contributed to a charity Zine for the very first time!
  • I visited my best friend in her new flat in the UK for the first time on my birthday!! :D (and then I caught a flu but we don't talk about that JFGKJDFJKGF)
  • I broke 10k on twitter!! :D
  • I dived into the Owlhouse fandom and got to know a lot of incredibly artists  through it
  • I FINALLY became properly active on Instagram
  • I went to the BIGGEST BOOKFAIR IN THE WORLD, made some contacts and learned a lot from the experience!
  • I spontaneously sold on conventions again!
  • I sold out on the remaining Gardendragon guidebooks!
  • I started a series of horse illustrations I've been meaning to draw for YEARS and I'm still motivated to continue with it in 2023!!
  • And finally: I finished the FREAKING COMIC DUB AFTER 15 MONTHS OF WORK

So despite ALL the hardship - I accomplished much more than I thought I did. There are some BIG goals on my list I haven't reached yet, but that's okay!! 2022 definitely felt like the first steps in the right direction and now I'm ready to FULLY DIVE INTO my ambitions and goals in 2023!!

And I wouldn't hav been able to get here without you guys. Back in August, when everything came crashing down when both me and my mom had been sick for 2 months, when inflation hit us and bills came raining down out of nowhere, you guys really saved my livelihood. Thank you SO MUCH for being there for me and helping me out during those tuff times. I will ALWAYS be grateful for what you did for me back then and I am amazed how many of you sticked with me through this year, even in times when there was barely anything I could post. Thank you!! 🥺😭💖💕💖💕💖🥰

And what's for 2023?

With the Dub out of the way now??


I'm talking

  • NEW ANIMATIONS (Both original and Pokemon-themed)
  • NEW VIDEO FORMATS - I REALLY wanna try my hands on a Video Essay about some very special horse cards...👀👀
  • MORE HORSE ILLUSTRATIONS altho Pokemon-stuff will come first, but I really want to continue my series from last year and make a whole set ;w;
  • LET'S BRING BACK THE BEE ORCHIDS CREATURES WHILE WE'RE AT IT, I wanted to animate those little guys!

AND I actually wanted to make you guys a Christmas Gift in form of new server emotes but I wasn't even able to get STARTED on them due to the busy holiday season  ;n;  But I'll make it up to you guys, you'll still get those new emotes sooner or later!!  :D

Now I'm heading back to bed and make myself another cup of tea...I'll have to fully recover first before I end up doing something STUPID and exhaust myself in my eagerness xD

But thank you all for reading and thank you again SO MUCh for your immense support in 2022 - I hope to provide you all with some amazing new content in 2023! :D

Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR, may it treat us WELL and with much more kindness than the last ones did, so any wounds may heal this year.

Best wishes,
~Eleanor 🥰😊💖



Trinity Series

That cup of tea better be delicious so you can enjoy it as much as possible


Thank you for everything you have done. Your art is wonderful, and we appreciate your work. I look what you have plan and I wish you and your family the best for 2023.