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Hey everyone! I'm a week late with my update but here it is! :D

I had a bit of trouble with patreon at the beginning of this month, but everything should be cleared up now, so bIG OOF, all is going well.

SOOOO What to expect for June:

  • Finishing Ep 7 of the comic Dub! I'm done with two thirds of the animations and will continue to work on them this week, EP 10 will definitely take me AT LEAST another month to get through, but Ep 7 I should definitely have in the bag this month. As always I can't share anything EXCEPT for animations or still images maybe, so I'll see if there's anything in there worth sharing :)
  • Continue finishing some Owl house fanart and Gardendragons Art
    When I'm taking breaks from the Dub I DESPERATELY want to work on my Character sheets for my book characters and finish some more Hunter artwork I've already started drawing ;w;
  • Continue my last art stream where I left off?
    Can't give a date yet since my schedule is once again unusually tight, but I'll try to squish it in!
  • Less important, but I'll go on a comic- and manga-convention this weekend in Hamburg as a regular visitor 😄
    I learned about this con on short notice, so I wasn't able to apply as a vendor or prepare any new merch, but I'm looking forward to check the convention out and see if it's even worth it to apply there next time. The Con is LITERALLY called "Comic und Manga Convention" and doesn't even have a website, so no idea how many visitors I can expect there, I hope it's not SUPER small :'D I'd love to sell on conventions again so I guess this is my first step to slightly dipping my toes back into it 😄

There's also a bunch of private appointments this month and bIRTHDAYS coming up soon, including my own :'D I'll turn 26 on the first of July, which I kind of hope to spend in the UK with friends - nothing is planned yet, but maybe I'll be able to book a last minute flight for the weekend, that'd be fantastic ;w; 

Also I finally got an appointment with the new chiropractor I wanted to try out. Let's hope she can help me release me of the pAIN I unfortunately still have to deal with :'D

Thanks for reading and as always, thank you so much for your support! 😊💖 If there's anything else noteworthy coming up this month I'll let you all know! 

~Eleanor 🥰

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lots of stuff :3 have lotsa fun in hamburg and good luck with the trains/bus too ^^

Eleanor Bick

No worries, I live in Hamburg myself so everything will be easy to reach 😄 But thank you!!