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Last stream was a bit whacky after my right hand unfortunately got tired right after the first request I sketched (which was the lego shark) :'D

So for the rest of the stream, we just fooled around for a bit and I tried doodling some spontaneous requests dropped in chat or whatever went through my mind with my left hand! So. Mostly Pokemon and. COMMANDER PEEPERS! (second pic, bottom left lmao)

In the end we dipped into FORBIDDEN CATS...Cathulu, night kitty and ?????????? JFKJGDFKGDJFKGJDFJ Cat   v o i d

I'll try to stream oNE last time before I'll go on vacation next week, but I only have oNE free day next Monday left, so we'll see if that's gonna work out :'D Can't promise anything, otherwise I'll stream again in May!



Suddenly Hats

hopefully we'll see you Monday then, but if not then we'll look forward to next time! Also still love the kitty void


aww thats one cute kitty void :3