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Hello everyone!

A quick, personal update on my burnout-situation:
M a n. March has been pure hell. Remember when I took a break but said I was doing fine mentally? Yeah. What followed after that were two weeks of anxiety attacks and bottled up frustration from 2-4 years of stagnancy. You must know, before the pandemic hit, my life had already been in a pretty frozen state for dealing with panic attacks and anxiety starting back in Summer 2017. When that phase finally ENDED in 2020, I had 3 wonderful months of selling at a convention again and planning steps to get my career finally going, only to be thrown back into another cage, this time forced by the outside world.

But I'm in good company. Whatever this bULLSHIT-phase right now is, I'll make it through it as well! And I think April will bring good times for me, just alone for the things we have planned 😊

We got a last-minute vacation-deal for 1 week of Denmark at the end of April!
I'll be offline from the 23th-30th of April. And I mean REALLY offline. The apartment we rented has NO wifi whatsoever. But I think that'll actually be a welcome break from everything.

AND we'll spend the Easter-weekend (16th-17th) at my aunt's place with all my cousins, which is just BOUND to be a good time

Also I can slowly feel my motivation for my old projects return! Yesterday I finished Episode 9 of our EAA Comic dub, which was already to 90% done, so there was not much to do and it felt GREAT to see it finally complete :D
I'm taking it slow with approaching the remaining 2 episodes left, I'm being very careful and still taking plenty of breaks, doing only what I really feel like doing right now.

Some OTHER good news: Thanks to a friend's recommendation, I have bought and installed a new tool for Photoshop, Lazy Nezumi Pro, a line-stabilizer.  
THIS TOOL IS CHANGING MY LIFE. For 10 YEARS I have drawn sHAKY UNPRECISE LINES in Photoshop, believing it was MY FAULT and that I was just not good-enough a digital artist. HOLY SHIT WAS I BLIND. THIS TOOL FINALLY LETS ME DRAW PRECISE LINES THE WAY I INTENDED THEM TO GO.
Turns out I wasn't a bad artist!!! I CAN ACTUALLY DRAW WELL, HOLY SHIT!!!
No for real, I was convinced I was only good at drawing on paper. THIS tool has been a TOTAL CONFIDENCE-BOOSTER, I feel like I'm starting a new life!! :'DD
So once I've fully regained my strength, things can ONLY get better from there!! I'm super excited to discover how much faster I might draw, now that I have this tool!!! 

A quick example of my line quality:

Rufus roughly "lined" before I gave up trying to clean the entire sketch with the eraser-tool

Rufus lined using my new stabilizer. Thin, barely visible lines underneath are from the original sketch

With that being said I had some fun ideas for my fakemons, of which I still want to draw more of. And with Lazy Nezumi Pro, lining my fakemons should finally stop being SUCH a huge hassle.

So yeah, you'll probably get to see some more of my Pokemon designs this month and I'll continue to keep you all updated on how I'm doing and when I'll feel good enough for another stream again!
That being said, we still need to find a better music bot for streams, the last one we used was quiet the disaster…

OH and we have a regular chatroom on the server now! I figured since I'm not actively streaming right now, it would be nice to have an option to casually chat during these more quiet-times.
Discord Server Link:

Thanks for reading and thank you for your continuous support!  😊💖



Have much fun with your vacation! For me, pen pressure was a life changer with digital art! I drew a few years without it. Now, with the drawing monitor, the stabilizer helps so much I can draw also with left hand if needed.


Have fun on your vacation! And I hope it's stress free as well!