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THIS. This is ZEN. In my brainless state of "UUUUUUUHHHHHH" as I'm lying in the sun or on the couch recovering, carefully painting orchid illustrations has been a perfect no-brain-activity for me.

The Two Orchids on the right you're already familiar with! The Bee Orchid and Fly Orchid I finished a few months ago. The Late Spider Orchid on the left is the newest addition! 

Also the biggest challenge with these orchids is definitely settling on a look, because hOW on earth do I decide wHICH pattern to choose when a sINGLE ORCHID SPECIES can look SO FRIGGIN INDVIDUALLY????

The belly pattern is different on literally every single specimen. Even the shapes and color intensity can vary. It's incredible. I love these little funky dudes but bY GOD, Orchids TRULY ARE SOMETHING ELSE



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