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Today I got back on editing one of the comic dub episodes so I opened up the old original photoshop file to the comic aaaaaand I found some tiny treasures I thought you guys might want to see :DD 

On the left of each image you can see my mini-storyboard for the conversation between Hala and Guzma, some of them marked to give me an overview back then of what I already worked on.

Image 2+3:

I DO remember the *breathes in* "BOI" -meme, but of the rest I have no memory from jfgjkdgfkjgf
I have no idea what I did that required the "gENIUS" meme I scribbled. I must've done something very stupid. The tiny scribbles underneath it are from an alternate scene of the epilogue. 

I remember that I had originally planned for Guzma to show up as Hau and El were having a battle. He'd reluctantly trot over and sit down with them as they took a break from their training session, Hau and El confused about the sudden change of heart.
I scrapped the scene because it turned out to be too big in scale for me to handle, so I came up with a short, more simplified version with the same result of Guzma joining El and Hau for their lunch-break.

Image 4:

THIS scene of images was ANOTHER alternate version to the epilogue. Or more like my free-ticket out of a epilogue all together...
This was the ULTRA short version of Guzma agreeing to following Halas advice, with the last image implying that he's about to step out of hiding with Golisopod and will approach Hau and El, who're sitting on a small stone wall in the distance, chatting and enjoying their break.

I thought Guzma being THIS obedient right off the bat was cheesy as hell. It felt out of character and even tho it would've been less work, I wanted to give him one last interaction with El and Hau, not to mention giving Guzma more room to decide on his own if he'll actually follow his masters advice or not.

For anyone unfamiliar with this strip, here is the full comic in question: [X]




Boi also yeah... i would say your atleast a bit of a genius