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Hello everyone! I'll try to keep this short because I am tIRED but I wanted to give a quick update and overview on what to expect this month:

- I spontaneously jumped on a project as a video editor to help out a friend with his own comic dub when his editor quit last second, so my plans have been a bit thROWn over board right now :'D We have a deadline to hit till the 15th of November, fingers crossed we might finish things ahead of schedule!

- At the same time I want to focus on a bIG commission this month, I also just finished a sketch commission which you guys will be seeing earlier :)

- I also finally received all the voice lines I need to finish another episode of the EAA COMIC DUB yes that thing is still happening, progress on it is just MUCH slower than anticipated xD

- Aaand at the END of the month, if everything works out for me, I want to draw something for the upcoming Anniversary of "El's Alolan Adventures", since the dub won't be ready to be uploaded by that time. 

The next comic update unfortunately has to wait until all the things above are off my list, but at least I already started taking photo references for it, so that's good!

I'm not sure how much I'll be able to share this month of the projects I am working on, most of them don't really offer that much insight to be shared, but I'll see what I can do, you never know! :) Some months just be a little chaotic like that :'D

Thank you for your continuous support and thanks for reading! :D


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