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Hey everyone! I am not sure yet on which day I'll stream, I am currently randomly tired on days and then full of energy again, but I hope to stream sometime this weekend. Like I previously wrote in my monthly schedule, I want to give some of you a chance to submit a request for a sketch beforehand, since a lot of you haven't been able to attend to my last livestreams.

So go ahead and leave your requests and I'll randomly pick some of them for the next stream! :D

Note: I won't sketch anything NSFW, naturally. You can request silly shenanigans, a sketch of a canon character or an OC of yours, I don't mind! Humans I'll usually only sketch a bust of, since they take me the longest to draw. 



I would love to request a Porygon. (Won't lie, I'm enamored with the PoryPhone from Masters, so the little Pokemon has become a favorite for me). (That, and the poor Porygon species needs some love, since the Anime won't give him any).


Oo! It would be cute to see a Porygon(+ evo. line?) looking at some origami paper cranes, maybe coloured like porygon!


I would like to request Blastoise watching over some baby Squirtles by the beach as their on the Blastoise shell doing some kind of shenanigans lol