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Noticed that I completely overworked myself this month with the casting call and the next comic update, I definitely need a big break. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my Pokemon stuff, but this current arc is stressing me out to no end, because I know how tight the story is gonna be so I want to finish it as quickly as I can in one go....but I think that just won't work. Otherwise it will kill my motivation for this series entirely

So now I try to blend out social media entirely, focus on getting my energy back AND...

Draw horses :3c




Nice! I’m glad that your taking extra measures to not stress yourself out too much. Also, I love the blues and greens you added to the color scheme of the horse drawing. Combined with the browns and gentle whites, it gives a very soft and natural look!

Eleanor Bick

Thank you!! :D I'm very happy with how the colors came out too, usually I stay very close to the main reference, but this time I managed to exaggerate the colors and I really like the greens and blues in it ;w; Although I already see a few mistakes I made with the anatomy, might make some tiny adjustments before I publish it elsewhere online xD