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I know my current activity on here regarding the comics isn't the best right now, and the repetitive panels of the current comic doesn't make things easier at all, but here is another panel I finished today.

I am on my final chapter of the next gardendragons novel and have already started my second read-through to begin filling in the final details and rewriting a few passages. As soon as I'm done, I will be advertising my patreon more again, since I think I'll be able to pick up comic-work again. I'd ESPECIALLY like to finish some video-projects in August, that would be REALLY nice, but I think I have to set a new weekly work schedule to focus on specific projects equally within the week. 

I have to admit that the more I write about my dragons, the more I want to continue writing and I could just go STRAIGHT ahead to the third novel, so I think I'll pick two days within the week where I'll write and two for comic-work, and the rest will be for commissions/ect. and a day-off for me to choose.

MAN, ALWAYS THIS FULL RESPONSIBILITY WITH THIS FREELANCING-WORK, always a new challenge ahead :D But I couldn't imagine it otherwise!



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