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Hey guys!

As some of you may have already seen, I have opened up commissions again and slots filled up fast! I'll be continuing work on my book (I'm on chapter 13 of 16/17!!! WOOHOO!), but otherwise mainly focus on commissions this month to cover extra costs we'll have both in June and July.
I might be able to show some step by step progress-shots to some of the commissions I'm working on. Depending on my schedule I might also be able to stream them, I'll keep you all updated on new livestreams :D

And by the end of June I will fINALLY take a vacation again for a week for my birthday, together with my mom and hopefully my best friend too! REALLY looking forward to that, we'll stay in Germany and drive to the coast. It's been ages since the last time I could leave the city for a couple of days...

That's all the news so far for this month!

Thank you for your lasting patience and your support! I really appreciate it a lot ;w;


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