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I'm making progress on the backgrounds! I'll probably have 3-4 more to work on and then I have to face...the POSES...the FULL-BODY-ONES *shivers*...




Wow, looks stunning! It has a clean and formal feel to it, while also being cozy and warm. Very nice.


Looking great! Hala's house was so themed and amazing! (I kinda wished every home in Iki Town, (or Alola in general), had been designed in the same fashion).

Eleanor Bick

Yeah agreed, as I studied the room I was highly impressed by JUST /HOW/ thoroughly designed and decorated it was, especially in case of cultural patterns on pieces of cloth, carpets, blankets, the walls, the chair, even the DOORS, it's everywhere! It makes it especially hard to recreate, but by god, kudos to gamefreak for really going into the hawaiian theme for the interiors!