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Sorry for the quiet days, I've focused a lot on my books last week and unfortunately didn't have much to show... But here is something COMPLETELY else that I CAN show :D
A few months ago I had one of those "going insane from lockdown"-days and decided to do something COMPLETELY different for a change to distract myself. I still had a block of clay left,  YEARS OLD but still in perfect condition and moldable, so I made a life-size version of our favorite lil' Joltik Nugget :D
At first I thought I accidentally made him a teeeeny bit bigger than I wanted him to be, but when I compared his size to his original comic counterpart  I think the size is actually quite on point!
I have pretty smol hands, so maybe that's why I thought he was too big...

Aaand the LAST two pictures show a second figurine I made with the clay on the whim:
A life-size model of one of my Snowdrop-Dragons!

It's a very rough model, I only made it as a reference for my books so I have an accurate size-comparison to the dragon and its surroundings in the story.

I'll keep working on my book this week, I reached chapter 9 today but I'll most likely work on illustrations and the comic in-between too, so I'll make sure to post a few WIP-shots over the week for you guys!




Nugget is absolutely precious! And your Snowdrop Dragon is absolutely beautiful!


First: Joltic is freaking adorable! It looks absolutely amazing! Second: can I just say that your design for the Snowdrop dragon is absolutely gorgeous? The green and white is such an amazing color combination and it has such an elegant figure when in flight! And do not get me started on the absolutely stunning tail. It kinda makes me think of a feather, which is a great thing in my book! Overall, such an elegant and magical design.