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As promised I'm doing a Q&A today, so if you have any questions relating to my work or how I work, the comics, my books, ect., feel free to ask them in the comments below! :D

I'll do my best to answer them all!



Do you base the personalities and/or natures of El's Pokemon in the comics on their game counterparts?

Monica Orona

Did blender ever work out as a time saver for you and if so, would you ever consider creating 3D character models to work from as well? I've never done 3D modeling and am on the fence about doing the same thing with ZBrush & Clip Studio. I'm trying to gauge whether it's a good time investment to learn.

Eleanor Bick

I haven't started using my 3D Model of Halas room for reference yet, but I'm certain it'll definitely be a huge time-saver for drawing backgrounds. But since that's currently just an assumption, I'll make sure to let you guys know how it went when I'm through with the next comic. However, I don't think I'll do the same for characters. I once found myself wasting a lot of time figuring out how to pose models in a free to use program with simple puppets when I could have just taken a picture of myself acting out the pose I needed to draw, so unless you want to use 3D as a medium to display your comic in a unique style, I'd say invest your time rather in building up interiors for reference than a whole cast of characters. But again, I don't know what project you have in mind, so it might be that fully going into 3D is just the right thing for you, I'm just thinking about this in regards to my comics :'D

Eleanor Bick

Yeah, pretty much! :D Some more loosely than others, but Dusk for example is a prime mirror of his game-self: "Somewhat vain" and "SASSY". Meanwhile the Leafeon twins are both jolly in nature in-game, but I'm experimenting with their personalities a bit to make them more distinguished from each other, so Kira is more feisty and mature while Leia is a bit of a naive fluffball of happiness.