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Shading is just like
THE most fun thing to do because it always feels like magic EVERY SINGLE TIME
As I was done drawing out the characters and properly set them up in place I was like "???? Oh god they don't fit into the scenery AT ALL"
But it was rEALLY JUST A LIGHTING-ISSUE...Shading really DOES make such a huge difference every single time.




Shading can be pretty hard at first, but after a lot of practice it can really do wonders to a drawing! Phenomenal work.


That's amazing how much of a difference shading can make! It looks positively beautiful! (Also love the little saddle on Latias. Does that mean that she's an official Ride Pokemon?) :)

Eleanor Bick

Thank you! :D And yes, El and Latias got their license now :D I thought that would be a nice little continuity reference in the background 😊