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I don't know if fullbody humans will ever get easier for me to draw...they're a nightmare to do, especially the legs and even more the perspective. But I think what I accomplished so far is acceptable and meets the needs. Also I am very happy with El's face in this, it's a shame how small it'll be in the final picture... Maybe I'll release it as a separate drawing after I published the comic.

Also Leafeon isnt final yet, it's a rough sketch from my sketchbook straight up scanned and placed in there dhjgdfjgj




I think you did wonderfully! Legs are extremely hard to do right, and you did amazing at shaping them while keeping the proportional. And don’t get me started on toes. Toes are a nightmare to draw which is why I never draw them, but they look natural in your drawing which is perfect! Incredible work.


Mjoki looks so nervous XD

Eleanor Bick

THANK YOU for your encouraging words ;W; UGH yeah toes rEALLY ARE SOMETHING, aren't they xD I am surprised myself that they turned out fine tbh, no idea how I did that...but hEY, I won't complain :D