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Hey guys! I will be taking a small break from comics and videos to focus on my next book. Twitter has also been incredibly EXHAUSTING to be on for the last week or so, so I'll distance myself from social media for a couple of days as well, maybe a week. I wanted to get the next comic update done really fast, since it's not THAT long to begin with, but as per usual, stressing out is not the answer xD 

So I'll take a step back to relax and instead work on my novel, which has been a pleasure to work on so far. As a treat I have two doodles of two new characters within my book series, who's designs might still change, I'm still in early development :'D An old Lavender dragon and a headshot of a yet unnamed Sunsnatcher (or Sunflowerdragon), although the Sunsnatcher isn't even from the next book, he'll probably be in the third novel fhdjhfdfsfd




I hope you enjoy working on your novel! You deserve the break, and there is no point in feeling stressed out. I am glad you take care of yourself!

Monica Orona

You go girl prioritize your energy.