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Hey everyone!
Since I've been unable to produce any new content so far (despite of the short story) and am still dealing with an inflammation of my shoulder blade, I decided to pause the billing cycle for February - You will not be charged for the next month. Since I can't say for how much longer I'll be unable to work, I'd feel terrible charging you guys without possibly being able to provide any content in return.

I made a few sketches with my left hand (in a moment of absolute desperation and pure boredom), which I'll be uploading here soon, but otherwise I am not even able to write on any of my stories - I can currently only type with one hand.

Turns out I had a blockade caused by two twisted vertebrae in my back and my neck, that strained the nerves and muscles of my arm, making it unable to heal from the original injury. It might now take another 2 weeks for the inflammation to heal, if the vertebrae now stay in their place and don't decide to twist back. I hope things will work out from now on and that I soon will be able again to strengthen my back again when the inflammation is gone.

Thank you for understanding and thanks again for your patience and your support.


Sinderella's Shoe

Get well soon queen!! You’re worth the wait!!


Is there a way we can still support you?? :(

Eleanor Bick

AWW You're too kind ;w; I mean if you'd still like to support me for February regardless, I guess you could go visit my ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/elbdot