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Hey everyone! As always a bit late, but I still wanted to put out a quick update for what I'll be doing in December. First off, I hope you guys still get to enjoy the season despite the more than unfortunate circumstances we're all in 😂 This will probably be my first Christmas I'll spend just with my mom and I am both scared and looking forward to it  😅 I sure hope we won't feel too lonely, but maybe I'll video-call a few friends to wish them a Merry Christmas :'D

Second, as you all probably already know, I will very likely finish my Dandelion Dragon Animation this month :D I don't want to call myself an animator, because I practice this profession WAY too scarcely to deserve such a title, but for how rarely I do it, I am actually very happy with the result so far 😄 I'm using After Effects for the first time to finish it and now that I've gotten into it, it's SO much fun :D
I've done a LOT of Pokemon content this year, so I am more than happy to do something that puts a spotlight on my original work that I actually want to make a living off one day: My Children's books about my little Gardendragons 🐉🌺😄

After that, things might get a little quiet around the end of the month for obvious reasons 🎄 xD
But I will also probably work more on my next book again, while continuing the next comic in between.
Also me and my publisher are thinking about entering a short-story contest for children's books, to catch the attention of international publishers. MIGHT be that I will have to illustrate it super quick in the first few months of 2021, we'll see :'D
But in regards to the comics, if there is something new I can show you guys from it, I definitely will! However, the visuals are a bit more limited this time, so I cannot spoil too much. It's a very dialog-heavy comic, but it will be a lot of fun to complete :D

Otherwise I'd love to do a livestream this month! I'll try to send out an announcement for you guys in time and then I'd take some stream-requests to celebrate the season :)

See you guys around! And thank you so much for your support!  😊💖🎄 🎁