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WHELP I just went a TEEEEEENY tiny bit overboard but this was FUN! :D I didn't paint any of my pokemon like this in AGES! I'll be uploading this version today, but I was so excited to show it to anyone that I put it on here first :D

I actually like it so much that I'm debating if I should put it on my redbubble as a poster/postcard ect. ...although Lumineon is a pretty unknown/unpopular Pokemon, so no idea if anyone would be interested in it xD What do you guys think?




I love how much love and passion you have for your Pokemon partners. :) (And who cares if Lumineon isn't a "popular" 'mon? I'd like to think that every Pokemon in existence has at least one fan. Plus, as long as you love her, that's what's important.)


i would loove to see that on a postcard <3